Thursday, December 27, 2012

圣诞节 Update & Lesson 4


节日快乐! 我希望大家有一个愉快的圣诞节 :)  我有圣诞节很好。 我收到了很多礼物

Two of my favorite gifts included:

Instant Immersion's Mandarin Chinese Levels 一,二,三 computer language software

Living Language's iKnow Chinese Words + Phrases + Conversations for iPod pocket translator 

Both of these programs will be very helpful to my learning experience of 中文。 
Now I must continue to catch up on my Lesson Supplementary Practice because Second Term is in less than 7 days! 

Lesson 4 Supplementary Practice: Studies 

汉字 (Hànzì)

你们好! 我叫美英,是大学生。 我是二年级的学生,我学中国文学。这是我的书,这是一本中国文学书。中国文学不太难,可是功课不少。你们那?你们学什么? 是工程吗?那是你们的工程书吗?工程难吗?功课多吗?

拼音 (Pīnyīn)

Nǐmen hǎo! Wǒ jiào Měiyīng, shì dàxuéshēng. Wǒ shì èrniánjíde xuéshēng, wǒ xué Zhōngguó wénxué. Zhè shì wǒde shū, zhè shì yīběn Zhōngguó wénxué shū. Zhōngguó wénxué bù tài nán, kěshì gōngkè bù shǎo. Nǐmen ne? Nǐmen xué shénme? Shì gōngchéng ma? Nà shì nǐmen de gōngchéng shū ma? Gōngchéng nán ma? Gōngkè duō ma? 

英语 (English)

Hello! I am Meiying, I am a college student. I am a second-year student, I study Chinese Literature. This is my book, this is a Chinese Literary book. Chinese literature is not too difficult, but a lot of homework. What about you? What do you study? Engineering? Is that your engineering book? Is engineering difficult? A lot of homework? 

Lesson 4 Fun Activity: Tongue Twister 

汉字 (Hànzì)                                 拼音 (Pīnyīn)   

高高山上一条疼,                          Gāogāo shān shàng yītiáo téng,

藤条头上挂铜铃。                          Téngtiáo tóu shàng guà tónglíng.
风吹藤动铜铃动,                          Fēng chuī téng dòng tónglíng dòng,
风停藤停铜铃停。                          Fēng tíng téng tíng tónglíng tíng.

英语 (English)

High on the mountain hangs a vine, 
On the vine end is tied a bronze bell.
The bronze bell sways with the vine when the breeze passes by,
The bronze bell halts with the vine when the breeze pauses. 

To follow along with the tongue twister, click Here and choose track 4-3! 

Hopefully I will be able to take the last few days left of winter break to finish up these Supplementary Practice posts :) 


爱姗 :) 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Break Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Supplementary Practice: Nationalities and Languages 

Hànzì (汉字)

我是美国人,我会说英文和法文,我也会说一点点中文。 他是我的中文老师,我的老师很好。 他是中国, 他说中文,他也说一点点英文。 对了,你呢?请问,你是那国人?你会说什么语言?你会说中文吗?

Pīnyīn (拼音)

Wǒ shì Měiguórén, wǒ huì shuō Yīngwén hé Fǎwén, wǒ yě huì shuō yīdiǎndiǎn Zhōngwén. Tā shì wǒde Zhōngwén lǎoshī, wǒde lǎoshī hěn hǎo. Tā shì Zhōngguórén, tā shuō Zhōngwén, tā yě shuō yīdiǎndiǎn Yīngwén. Duìle, nǐ ne? Qǐng wèn, nǐ shì nà guó rén? Nǐ huì shuō shénme yǔyán? Nǐ huì shuō Zhōngwén ma?

English (英语)

I am an American, I can speak English and French, I also can speak a little Chinese. He is my Chinese teacher, my teacher is very good. He is Chinese, he speaks Chinese, he also speaks a little English. By the way, how about you? May I ask, what country are you from? You speak what language? Can you speak Chinese? 

About Me:  


Wǒ shì Měiguórén, wǒ huì shuō Yīngwén hé yīdiǎndiǎn Xībānyáwén. Wǒ yě huì shuō yīdiǎndiǎn Zhōngwén.

Answer the following questions about the passage? 

他是美国人吗?- 是,他是美国人。 

他会说什么语言?- 他会说英文,法文,和一点点中文。 

他的中文老师是那国人?- 他的中文老师是中国人。 

他的老师说什么语言?- 他的中文老师会说中文和一点点英文。 

Fun Activity (Poem):  Záshī 

君自故乡来,   Jūn zì gùxiāng lái,                You came from my hometown,

应知故乡事。   Yīng zhī gùxiāng shì            You must know all the hometown news.

来日绮窗前,   Láirì qǐchuāng qián,              When passing by the silk windows, 

寒梅著花未?   Hánméi zhuóhuā wèi?           Did you see plum blossoms on show?

This poem allows for more practice of tones and rhythms of the Chinese language. To follow along, play Text 3-3 of the link ( Záshī Poem )


Winter Blog Lesson 2

Lesson 2 (Names) Supplementary Practice: 

Hànzì (汉字)

大家好!我来自我介绍以下。我性吴,我叫吴小美,我的英文名字是 _____。 你呢? 请问您贵性?你叫什么名字?他呢?他是谁?他是我的同学,他叫于英。

Pīnyīn (拼音)

Dàjiā hǎo! Wǒ lái zìwǒ jièshào yǐxià. Wǒ xìng Wú, wǒ jiào Wú Xiǎoměi, wǒde 有īngwén míngzì shì Mary Wood. Nǐ ne? Qǐng wèn nín guì xìng? Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? Tā ne? Tā shì shuí? Tā shì wǒde tóngxué, Tā jiào Yú Yīng.

English (英语)

- Hello everybody! I will introduce myself a little bit. My family name is Wu, I am called Xiǎoměi Wu, my English name is Mary Wood. How about you? May I ask your family name? What is your name? And him? Who is he? 
- He is my classmate, he is called Yú Yīng. 

Reminder: Since its been awhile, I will reintroduce myself  :) 

你好! 我来自我介绍一下。我性倪,我叫 Alex Nichols,我的中文名字是爱姗。

Fun Activity: 

Practice this Chinese Tongue Twister ( Lesson 2 Tongue Twister (2-4) )

四十是四十.              Sìshí shì sìshí.          Forty is Forty. 

十四是十四.              Shísì shì shísì.          Fourteen is Fourteen.

四十不是十四.          Sìshí bùshì shísì.       Forty is not Fourteen.

十四也不是四十.       Shísì yě bùshì sìshí.  Fourteen is not Forty, either.

This tongue twister is very difficult, especially for beginners but it is also very fun and good practice for pronunciation :) 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Break Blogging!

Dàjiā hǎo! (大家好!)

Wǒ xīwàng měi gèrén dōu hǎo :) (我希望每个人都好)  

Wǒ hěn máng. That is why I have been unable to make a lot of posts for this blog. Kěshì, I am now going to take the time to catch up with my posts :) 

My future posts will be translations of the Supplementary Practice from lessons 1-6 of Chinese Link Level 1, Part 1. 

Lesson 1: Greetings

Supplementary Practice- 
1. Hànzì

你好!我不是学生, 我是老师。 他也不是学生, 他是教授。 你呢? 你是学生吗? 睨视教授吗?

2. Pīnyīn

Nǐhǎo! Wǒ shì bùshì xuéshēng, Wǒ shì lǎoshī. Tā yě bùshì xuéshēng, Tā shì jiàoshòu. Nǐ ne? Nǐ shì xuéshēng ma? Nǐ shì jiàoshòu ma?

3. English

Hello! I am not a student, I am a teacher. He is also not a student, he is a professor. And you? Are you a student? Are you a professor? 

Extra Practice: Lesson 1 Poem- Jìng Yè Sī (Lǐ Bái)/(Thoughts on a Tranquil Night)  

Chuáng qián míng yuè guāng,                               In front of my bed, bright moonlight,                

Yí shì dì sháng shuāng.                                         Can it be frost on the ground?

Jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè,                                           Lifting my head, I gaze upon the bright moon, 

Dī tóu sī gù xiāng.                                                Lowering my head, I think of my hometown. 

Not only is this poem very pretty, it is also great for practicing the changes in tones and rhythms of Chinese sentences/grammar. To follow along with the pronunciation of this poem, play Text 1-4 of chapter 1 in this link Chinese Link Audio Files

To catch up with my blog, I will continue to make at least one post everyday this week! :)

谢谢 (Xièxiè)!

Ài shān (爱姗) 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Soong Sisters Reflection


            本周在中国类,我门关注了一部电影。 这电影叫“宋家皇朝”。我门学了宋王朝于二十世纪中国。 送是家族是一个强大的中国的政治王朝。这是请王朝结束时,在1905 年到1930-49 三姐妹的宋家王朝叫宋艾灵,宋庆龄, 和宋Mei-Ling。故事讲述的是共和国和中国共产党在政治权力。 可是他们的故事是关于 爱, 金钱和权力。

            从电影中, 我学到了中国的内战和政治上的麻烦。 我也学了大姐 宋艾灵 给了商人叫Master Kung 为钱。姐姐宋庆龄 给了革命领袖叫Dr.Sun Yet-sen为爱。妹妹宋Mei-Ling嫁给了一个军事领导人叫Chiang Kai-Shek为权力。的婚姻造成一些麻烦宋家王朝。 宋艾灵的丈夫是孔子的后裔。 宋庆龄的丈夫是近代中国革命的领导者。宋Mei-ling的丈夫是中国军队在二战中的领导者

            我很喜欢的电影。 可是我不喜欢这么多的人死亡。 当姐妹的父母死了,这是可悲的。 我喜欢的姐妹们留学美国。当宋庆龄的丈夫和孩子死了, 我不喜欢。 可是,学习的宋家王朝和中国的历史很有趣。

            我喜欢的地二个姐姐, 宋庆龄。她是最好的和最聪明的。 她结婚的爱, 而不是权力和金钱。 她爱她的丈夫和中国。 她的姐妹们并没有为了爱情而结婚。 她们结婚了为金钱和权力。 这是不好的中国。

            我学到了很多关于中国历史。 我学了在中国没有皇帝, 他们有一个内战。这是关于国民党人和共产党的内战。 共产党人是象俄国。 他们不喜欢美国。 可是国民党人想成为像美国一样自由。 Dr.Sun Yet-Sen 和宋庆龄希望共产党人和国民党人携手合作。

The Soong Sisters
            This week in Chinese class, we paid attention to a movie. This movie was called “The Soong Sisters”. We learned about the Soong Dynasty in China in the 20th century. This family was a powerful political dynasty. This was after the end of the Qing Dynasty, in 1905 to 1930-49. The three sisters of the Soong Dynasty were Soong Ai-Ling, Soong Ching-Ling, and Soong Mei-Ling. The movie tells the story of the Republic and the Communist party of China in political power. However, their story is about love, money and power.
            From the movie, I learned about the Chinese Civil war and political troubles. I also learned that the oldest sister Soong Ai-Ling married a business man called Master Kung for money. Older sister Soong Ching-Ling married the leader of the revolution called Dr.SunYet-sen for love. Younger sister Soong Mei-ling married a military leader called Chiang Kai-Shek for power. The marriages caused some trouble for the Soong Dynasty. Soong Ai Ling’s husband is a descendant of Confucius. Soong Ching-Ling’s husband is the leader of the revolution in modern China. Soong Mei-Ling’s husband is the leader of the Chinese army in World War II.
            I liked the movie. But I do not like that so many people were killed. When the sisters’ parents died, this was sad. I like that the sister studied in America. I do not like when Soong Ching-Ling’s husband and baby died. However, studying the Soong Dynasty and Chinese History is very interesting.
            I like the second older sister, Soong Ching-Ling. She is the best and the brightest. She married for love, rather than for power and money. She loves her husband and China. Her sisters did not marry for love. They were married for money and power. This was bad for China.
            I learned a lot about the history of China. I learned when they no longer had emperors in China, they had a Civil War. This Civil War was about the Nationalists and Communist Party. The Communist Party was like Russia. They did not like the United States. But the Nationalists wanted to be as free as the United States. Dr.Sun Yet-Sen and Soong Ching-Ling hoped for the Communists Party and the Nationalists to work together. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Chinese 101 Final Script

Final Script-


我来介绍以下我字几, 我叫爱扇。 我是美国人。 我是从为四抗新周来的。 我住在 Plainfield, IL

我是中北大学的学生。我学商业。 我会说英文,一点中文和西班牙问。

 这是我的朋友。他叫 Chris 他也是中北大学的学生。我常根他学.   

这是我的家。 我家有六口人: 我的爸爸, 妈妈,姐姐,两个弟弟, 和我。 我的爸爸是工程师。 我的妈妈是家庭祝福。 我的胸弟姐妹和我都是学生。 

我不住在宿舍。 我在家住。 我的房间不太大, 可是很好。 我的房间没有电话, 可是我有手机。 我的手机号码是五零八零八八五。


Dàjiā  hǎo

Wǒ lái jièshào yíxià wǒ zi jǐ.  Wǒ jiào Ài shān. Wǒ shì měiguórén. Wǒ cóng Wéi si kāng xīn zhōu lái de.  Wǒ zhù  zài Plainfield, IL.

Wǒ shì zhōng běi dà xué de xuésheng.  Wǒ xué shāngyè. Wǒ huì shuō yīngwén, yìdiǎn zhōngwén hè  xībānyáwén.  

Zhè shì wǒ de hǎo péngyou. Tā jiào Chris. Tā yě shì zhōng běi dà xué de xuésheng. Wǒ cháng gēn  tā xué.

Zhè shì wǒ de jiā rén  Wǒ jiā yǒu liù kǒu rén:  wǒ de bába, mama, jiějie, liǎng ge dìdi, hè wǒ. Wǒ de bába gōngchéngshī. Wǒ de māma jiātíng zhǔfù.  Wǒ de xiōngdìjiěmèi hè wǒ dōu shì xuésheng.

Wǒ bú zhù zài sùshè. Wǒ zài jiā zhù. Wǒ de fángjiān bú tài dà, kěshì hěn hǎo. Wǒ de fángjiān méiyǒu diànhuà, kěshì wǒ yǒu shǒujī. Wǒ shǒujī hàomǎ shì wǔ líng bā líng bā bā wǔ.   

Wǒ hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ!  

Hey everyone!

Let me introduce myself. My am called Ai Shan. I am an American. I am from Wisconsin. I live in Plainfield, IL. 

I am a North Central College student. I study business. I am able to speak english, a little Chinese and a little Spanish. 

This is my good friend. He is called Chris. He is also a North Central College student. I often study with him. 

This is my family. My family has 6 people. My father, mother, big sister, two little brothers, and me. My father is an engineer. My mother is a housewife. My siblings and I are all students. 

I do not live in a dorm. I live at home. My room is not too big, but it is nice. My room does not have a telephone, but I have a cellphone. My cellphone number is 508-0884. 

I am glad to meet you! 

Talent Script-
Little White Rabbits

xiǎo bái tù, bái yòu bái,   

两只耳朵竖起来, liǎng zhī ěr duo shù qĭ lái,

爱吃萝卜爱吃菜, ài chī luó bo ài chī cài,

蹦蹦跳跳真可爱。 bèng bèng tiào tiào zhēn kě ài.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week 8 Reflection


It is week 8 already, meaning that the term is almost over! This is very exciting. This past week was only particularly difficult because there was so much going on with Halloween and other classes that I became a bit distracted with my Chinese. But I do think that the vocabulary from this lesson has given me a lot more to work with in terms of introductions of myself and my family. Learning these words and sentences has also made me more confident for the final project of 101 that will be coming up really soon! Now I will have plenty of sentences for the self-introduction video and I have even chosen a nursery rhyme the talent portion of the project. I have chosen to do the "Little White Rabbits" song for this portion because it sounds fun and cute! So I am excited about that now. We have one more lesson to go for the term that will give me even more sentences to use for my introduction and this should make my project the best it can be :) I am very optimistic for the end of this term!

Have a hen hao zhou mo dajia!

Ni Ai Shan

Week 8 Class Notes

Lesson 6 Notes: Family

Core Vocabulary:
= jiā (family)                  大家= dàjiā (all,everyone)     = cóng (from)       

 = zài (to be at, to be in, at, in)

= yī (one)                        = sì (four)                       爸爸= bàba (father)         妈妈= māma (mother)

姐姐= jiějie (elder sister)   工作= gōngzuò (job/to work)   工程师= gōngchéngshī  (engineer)                            

男朋友= nánpéngyou (boyfriend)   = nán (male)               没有= méiyǒu (to not have) 

= liàng (measure word for vehicles)       = chē (car)                     = zhī (measure word for animals)

= gǒu (dog)                                  = ài (to love)                                

Supplementary Vocabulary:

兄弟姐妹= xiōngdìjiěmèi (siblings)  哥哥 = gēge (elder brother)      妹妹 =  mèimei  (younger sister)

弟弟= dìdi (younger brother)        孩子 = háizi (child)            宠物 = chǒngwù (pet)

= māo (cat)                                  爷爷= yéye (paternal grandpa)   外公= wàigōng (maternal grandpa)

奶奶 = nǎinai (paternal grandma)    外婆 = wàipó (maternal grandma)         商人= shāngrén (businessman)

医生= yīshēng    (doctor)               护士 = hùshi       家庭主妇 = jiātíng zhǔfù (housewife)

厨师 = chúshī (chef)

Days of the Week:
              周一 Monday                             周二 : Tuesday
              周三 :  Wednesday                          周四 : Thursday
 周无 : Friday                                   周六 : Saturday

Question Grammar:
               _______________ ma ? : Is used for a yes or no answer
               _______ shenme le? : Is used for what questions (what is your name, etc.)


1.      我家有无靠人。(My family has five people) 
2.      我有两个姐姐。 (I have two older sisters)
3.      我的家有一辆车美国。(My family has one American car) 
4.      我是从纽约来的。(I am from New York)
5.      我的哥哥是在芝加哥工作。(My older brother is in Chicago to work)